
Start Half-Retirement
Start Half-Retirement today, things don't always go as planned. We all start out our careers with a plan in mind as to when and how we might retire. However, more often then not, things don't go according to plan, life happens, emergencies happen, family circumstances...

Focusing on Business Maintenance During Half-Retirement
To achieve Half-Retirement, you need to change your business focus from growth to maintenance, so you can preserve what you have created and empower yourself to get your hands on the extra free time that you want to pursue for yourself and your family. Changing your...

How Entrepreneurs Begin Retirement
You've made it! You're finally at the stage in life where you are considering removing the hard work from your time and replacing it with nothing but pleasure. This is what you have worked for your entire life - the fruits of your labor and the time to really enjoy...

Why Pragmatism is Beneficial to Half-Retirement
We all know that being pragmatic about your work and business practices is useful when you're refining your processes. It can help you to save money, reduce your workload and cut waste in more ways than one. This is a valuable skill and asset that you have at...

Business Owners: How To Identify Where You Are Spending Your Time
Business owners: How to identify where you are spending your time What do business owners do? Business owners, Directors and CEOs come in a variety of shapes and forms. Some are quiet and assertive, others are culture focused or results driven. Whatever type of...

What is 1/10th Retirement?
Business owners are a special breed. They are hard working, passionate, and able to handle 57 priorities simultaneously (probably because we are all a little ADD or are adrenaline junkies). It’s not easy to unwind decades of behaviors that have served our businesses....

Half-Retirement Method 1: The Gentle Glide
Think about your first five years in business. Weren’t they filled with long nights and very hard work? If you think about it, during the first years in business, you are grossly under-compensated. Sure, at some point, you start making a good income, but the fair...

Half-Retirement Method 2: Mini-Me
Many business owners are under the belief that the best path to Half-Retirement is to find an employee to replace them in the business. We call this the “Mini-Me Plan.” You make a “clone” of yourself, and they step right into your job. You simply make this clone of...

Method 3: The Four-Headed Beast
The Four-Headed Beast is a catch-all name for a Half-Retire solution that distributes a CEO’s work without adding the additional expense of more staff. As step number one, the CEO’s work is meticulously analyzed and dissected. Through the 98/2 Delegation Process, the...

Half-Retire Synonyms
Many business owners have asked us if there is a “correct” term for Half-Retired. We prefer “Half-Retired,” but the purpose of Half-Retirement is not the verbiage, it is the changes to the business owner’s lifestyle which matter. Half-Retirement is a state of mind and...