Exit Planning, Retirement
My wife and I were very sad to learn that a popular Greek restaurant in our hometown was closing in a few days. As you can see by the trip advisor ranking below, this was a restaurant that was well-regarded and liked. Why was this business not sold? They had...
Concepts, Mindset, Retirement
I wish I could tell you that Half-Retirement was as simple as flipping a switch…poof, you are Half-Retired. However, Half-Retirement is more of a journey than a decision. We observe many business owners begin down the path towards Half-Retirement and have seen that...
Exit Planning, Selling the business
We got this chat from the website and it’s surprising how many business owners feel just like this. They let frustration build for five years and they “pop.” There’s a saying in the business broker world, “People don’t sell...
Exit Planning, Retirement
Start Half-Retirement today, things don’t always go as planned. We all start out our careers with a plan in mind as to when and how we might retire. However, more often then not, things don’t go according to plan, life happens, emergencies happen, family...
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