Another Sad Business Owner Non-Exit Story

Another Sad Business Owner Non-Exit Story

My wife and I were very sad to learn that a popular Greek restaurant in our hometown was closing in a few days. As you can see by the trip advisor ranking below, this was a restaurant that was well-regarded and liked. Why was this business not sold? They had...
When is the right time to retire?

When is the right time to retire?

According to NBA Hall-of-famer Charles Barkley, the right age to retire is sixty. Here’s a direct quote from Charles I’m trying to make it to 60 because I still want to be young enough where I can enjoy my life and have fun. That is no disrespect to old people,...
Phases of Half-Retirement

Phases of Half-Retirement

I wish I could tell you that Half-Retirement was as simple as flipping a switch…poof, you are Half-Retired. However, Half-Retirement is more of a journey than a decision. We observe many business owners begin down the path towards Half-Retirement and have seen that...
This is not Half-Retirement

This is not Half-Retirement

We got this chat from the website and it’s surprising how many business owners feel just like this. They let frustration build for five years and they “pop.”  There’s a saying in the business broker world, “People don’t sell...
Start Half-Retirement

Start Half-Retirement

Start Half-Retirement today, things don’t always go as planned. We all start out our careers with a plan in mind as to when and how we might retire. However, more often then not, things don’t go according to plan, life happens, emergencies happen, family...
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