
Are there only five business exit strategies?
When you Google “exit strategies,” you will see the five standard methods below. Five Common Exit Strategies Sell the Business to Family or Friend Sell the Business to Management or Employees Mergers and Acquisitions Initial Public Offering Liquidation Sometimes, none...

Things you will give up if you sell your business
If you have ever owned a business, you have daydreamed about selling it for a large pile of cash. It’s not really about the money, right? It’s about flipping a switch and having all the stress and headaches turn off instantaneously. However, for many business owners,...

Waiting for “C”
I’ll be honest; frustration tends to set in when I see business owners hesitate to take the obvious course of action at the time it becomes obvious. It makes me pause and ask, “Why are some successful and savvy business owners so indecisive?” The answer is most...

What’s the difference between difficult work and frustrating work?
Business owners frequently say to me, “My tolerance is so much lower than it used to be. Doing (enter type of work) never used to bother me.” Call it burnout, experience, wisdom, or impatience; it really doesn’t matter. You are supposed to enjoy your business. You are...

Guide to Understanding the 44% Rule
There’s an old saying, “Business owners don’t sell for money; they sell because they are frustrated.” The price tag to end that frustration can be millions of dollars. In a low-interest rate economy, a big pile of cash is worth far less than an income stream. So when...

What is your business REALLY worth?
The oversimplified formula is 3X owner’s annual “take.” If you’ve ever had a formal business valuation and then tried to sell your business, you realize the business valuation is really only an estimate and indication of what a buyer might pay if all assumptions line...

Hey You – Delegate More!
I was amazed when I did a web search for, “Why do executives have so much trouble delegating?” I saw some pretty amazing answers like: Stop trying to control everything. If someone takes more time than you to do the work, don’t worry about it. You don’t have a key...

Is there ever a wrong time to sell your business?
The short answer is, “Yes.” If you time the sale wrong, you could leave untapped value on the table. Do you recall the early days of your business? If you are like most owners, you worked very hard for very little pay, perhaps for several years, in order to launch....

What happened to the tidal wave of Baby Boomer Businesses for Sale?
A recent government survey shows that 15.6% of all businesses are owned by those 65 and over. Why have so many Baby Boomers decided not to sell their businesses? We had a few guesses, so we decided to poll small business owners to find out. In order to participate...
A simple trick to accelerate your Half-Retirement
Learn how taking two separate paychecks can change your mindset favorably. Check out the video to learn more: