What is 1/10th Retirement?

What is 1/10th Retirement?

Business owners are a special breed. They are hard working, passionate, and able to handle 57 priorities simultaneously (probably because we are all a little ADD or are adrenaline junkies). It’s not easy to unwind decades of behaviors that have served our businesses....
Half-Retirement Method 2: Mini-Me

Half-Retirement Method 2: Mini-Me

Many business owners are under the belief that the best path to Half-Retirement is to find an employee to replace them in the business. We call this the “Mini-Me Plan.” You make a “clone” of yourself, and they step right into your job. You simply make this clone of...
Method 3: The Four-Headed Beast

Method 3: The Four-Headed Beast

The Four-Headed Beast is a catch-all name for a Half-Retire solution that distributes a CEO’s work without adding  the additional expense of more staff. As step number one, the CEO’s work is meticulously analyzed and dissected. Through the 98/2 Delegation Process, the...
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