How to restructure your business when retiring

How to restructure your business when retiring

If you’re a business owner who is thinking about retirement, then you may be required to restructure your business in order to help it to cope with the changes that your lack of presence will result in. If you fully intend on keeping your business going at full...
What is a Graceful Exit?

What is a Graceful Exit?

Every business owner needs to exit their business gracefully. Traditionally, that would equate to selling the business, transferring it to a child or employee, or an ESOP. All of these methods abruptly end the owner’s involvement in the business and their income...
How do business owners retire?

How do business owners retire?

An introduction to clever retirement for business owners Although the thought of retirement might be something that you don’t want to be considering right now, it is an inevitable stage of life that you need to be prepared for – especially if you are a business...
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