The Definition of Half-Retirement

The Definition of Half-Retirement

We define Half-Retirement as enjoying the economic benefits of business ownership without the daily headaches. A Half-Retired business owner maintains their current salary while working two half-days a week. They accomplish the transition from working income to equity...

Are you “holding out for C?”

Sometimes I get frustrated when business owners do not take what appears to be the obvious course of action as soon as it becomes obvious. It made me wonder, why would successful and savvy business owners be indecisive? The answer is that most situations have two core...
Difficult Work vs. Frustrating Work

Difficult Work vs. Frustrating Work

Business owners always tell us, “My tolerance for B.S. is so much lower than it used to be. This type of work never used to bother me.” Call it burnout, wisdom, experience, or impatience; it doesn’t matter. You are supposed to be able to enjoy your...
Should you Half-Retire in a tough economy?

Should you Half-Retire in a tough economy?

Lately, I’ve been asked the question, “Can you Half-Retire in a tough economy?” The answer is, “yes.” It’s still a good idea to start or continue Half-Retirement during tough times. Here’s why: Life happens regardless of the economy. You may feel like you can’t slow...
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