
Five Reasons Business Owners Sell Their Business When They Shouldn’t
There are good reasons to sell a business and bad ones. However, when you look at the typical literature, most of it is geared toward large enterprises worth much more than a typical business. If you take less than you should for a business worth $50 million...

Six Ways Business Owners are Enjoying Half-Retirement
Done right, Half-Retirement can be equally-enjoyable as full retirement. Here are some of the ways we have seen business owners make the most of Half-Retirement: Staying mentally sharp. Studies show that the average American watches 40% more television once...

Why business owners should depend on systems, not people
Protecting your business and its people Your business is what you've been working towards for your entire life. It is your passion, your pride and the fruit of your labor. When you embark upon an entrepreneurial journey such as this, you form strong bonds with your...

What happens if you wait too long to Retire?
Retirement can sneak up on you quickly, and too often if we wait too long to retire, we miss out on all the benefits that come with retirement. Take a look at this article we found and look how one family business was forced to shut down when they came to the...

Are you ready to Half-Retire? Do a stress test
If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of Half-Retirement, take a stress test. It's a simple process and you might even enjoy yourself. Watch the video below to see how it's done. Video Transcription Would you like to start Half-Retire ring today? Well,...

An effective Half-Retirement™ process: 6 steps to enjoy the spoils of your efforts
Retirement can be an intimidating concept for a business owner that raises a great deal of uncertainty. What do you do when you want to retire and still be financially stable? How do you avoid allowing what you've worked so hard to achieve fizzle out and how will you...

A mindset shift to speed your Half-Retirement
It's amazing how much the proper mindsets can speed Half-Retirement and the wrong ones can slow it down or completely derail it. If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of Half-Retirement, you have to remap old mindsets to new ones. Watch the video below to see how...

How to Know if Your Half-Retirement is on Track
If you have owned a business for more than a week, you know that every business has an unending list of problems to be solved. It’s just part of business ownership. So how do you know if problems that pop up during Half-Retirement are “normal” problems or impediments...

A simple step to start Half-Retirement
Many people ask us, “How do I begin to Half-Retire®? One of the simplest first step you can take is to tell a friend or loved one. We call this a “positive trap.” A positive trap is a cause set in motion by you. It’s hard for anyone to change, so creating dynamics...

How to avoid losing staff when retiring
When you announce that you are taking a step away from your business and toward retirement, you may find that there is a sudden sense of unease reverberating through your business. This is because the people that you hire are now uncertain about where the business is...