The Financial Impact of Half-Retirement

The Financial Impact of Half-Retirement

If you are contemplating selling your business, we recommend you download the spreadsheet below to explore holding the business as an income-producing asset. Keep in mind that business ownership and equity and your job as CEO of the business are two roles, not one. We...
What is a Graceful Exit?

What is a Graceful Exit?

Every business owner needs to exit their business gracefully. Traditionally, that would equate to selling the business, transferring it to a child or employee, or an ESOP. All of these methods abruptly end the owner’s involvement in the business and their income...
The 44% Rule

The 44% Rule

Why are so many business owners delaying the sale of their businesses? No one knows for sure, but it probably has to do with the 44% Rule. What is the 44% Rule? The vast majority of small businesses sell for a multiple of annual earnings. More specifically, they sell...
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