Exit Planning, Retirement
If you have owned a business for more than a week, you know that every business has an unending list of problems to be solved. It’s just part of business ownership. So how do you know if problems that pop up during Half-Retirement are “normal” problems or impediments...
Exit Planning, Growing your team
When you announce that you are taking a step away from your business and toward retirement, you may find that there is a sudden sense of unease reverberating through your business. This is because the people that you hire are now uncertain about where the business is...
Delegation, Growing your team, Mindset
I recently saw a question posted on Quora which asked, “What is a sign that someone is not going to be successful in business?” The answer to which is similar to the question, “What is a sign that someone is not going to be successful in Half-Retirement?” I have...
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